Is Gen. John Kelly Really as ‘Dumb,’ As Trump Says?

Is Gen. John Kelly Really as 'Dumb,' As Trump Says?

Replying to Gen. John Kelly, charges against him of having “Fascist” tendencies, candidate Trump called his former staffer Kelly “one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met.”

A lot of Cuba-watchers have also wondered about the intellect and judgments of Gen. John Kelly, who served as chief of all U.S. Military operations in the Southern Hemisphere under Obama.

This headline from the AP back in Jan. 2016 started our frowning and head-scratching:    (Terror-sponsoring, drug-running) “Cuba to attend Security Conference with U.S. for First time.” The story then continues: “A delegation from Cuba will take part for the first time in an annual Caribbean regional security conference co-sponsored by the U.S. military’s Southern Command,.

 “We’ve normalized now and, regardless of how we think of each other in terms of politics, we have very, very common challenges,” Kelly said in an interview two days before he ends his tenure as commander of U.S. military operations in the Southern Hemisphere.”

Astoundingly, among the Cuban officials who attended the conference (who Gen. Kelly obviously signed-off on and presumably promoted) was a Cuban spy named Gustavo Machin, who was fingered and expelled from the U.S. in 2002 for espionage, as a likely accomplice of Ana Belen Montes, who managed the deepest and most damaging penetration of the U.S. Defense Dept. in modern history. 

Gen. Kelly even proposed that our Guantanamo base be run “jointly” with the Castro regime!

“Kelly said he believes the facility remains strategically valuable, a deepwater port in the Caribbean, and he would like to see it remain open even if the detention center closes. He suggested it could be run jointly with the Cubans, offering employment to the local population as it once did.”

But back to Machin: the FBI and Defense Intelligence Agency believed  Gustavo Machin to be Belen Montes’  accomplice in stealing U.S. military secrets for sale to the highest bidders among America’s enemies worldwide.  

“Cuba is intelligence trafficker to the world,” stresses Lieut. Col. Chris Simmons, retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency. “Among many others, the U.S. military secrets stolen by Castro’s spies have been sold to former regimes in Iraq, Panama and Grenada, alerting these dictatorships to U.S. military plans against them and costing untold American lives.”

The only thing that saved “Castro’s Queen Jewel” Ana Belen Montes from frying in the electric chair like the Rosenbergs was a plea bargain. The only thing that saved her accomplice Gustavo Machin from the same frying was his “diplomatic immunity.” Furthermore: 

In 2001 members of a Castro spy ring known as the “Wasp Network,” were convicted in U.S. federal court. Some were sentenced to as much as two life sentences for conspiracy to commit murder. The FBI affidavit against them included:

– Gathering intelligence against the headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command in Homestead, Fla.

– Compiling the names, home addresses and medical files of the U.S. Southern Command’s top officers.

And it was the U.S. military’s Southern Command that  held the “Caribbean regional security conference” to which KGB-trained senior Cuban spy Gustavo Machin was kindly invited to participate as leader of a delegation of numerous other KGB-trained Cuban spies.

“Cuba is not a threat to the United States…They don’t implicate our national security in any way…The government of Cuba has not provided any support for international terrorism during the preceding six-month period; and the government of Cuba has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future.” (President Obama after meeting with Raul Castro in Panama and recommending that Stalinist Cuba be removed from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, April 14th, 2015.). 

But in fact, only a few weeks before Obama’s (presumably with the head of the U.S. Southern Command’s  John Kelly’s concurrence) giddy acceptance of Castro’s promise (“cross my heart and hope to die!”), Castro got caught red-handed supplying Chinese-made arms to the Western hemisphere’s oldest, biggest and most murderous terror-group: Colombia’s FARC. The terror-death toll from these Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) exceeds 200,000, and includes more U.S. citizens than were murdered by ISIS.

So maybe it was a mere coincidence that the very week Obama (with presumably Kelly’s concurrence) planned to remove Cuba as a terror-sponsor the mainstream media (especially CNN) blacked-out any mention of this blatant terror-sponsorship by Cuba in our own backyard—in the U.S. Southern Command’s virtual epicenter? 

You see, amigos: In February 2015, Colombian authorities found 99 missile heads, 100 tons of gunpowder, 2.6 million detonators, and over 3,000 artillery shells hidden under rice sacks in a ship bound from Red China to Cuba that docked in the port of Cartagena Colombia.

Most Cuba-watchers immediately guessed what was up. And crackerjack Colombian (NOT CNN, heaven forbid!) reporters quickly investigated and exposed the Castro-regime’s terror-sponsoring scheme. In brief:

– The arms were from a Chinese manufacturer named Norinco and the recipient was a Cuban company named Tecnoimport. 

– But the ship stopped in the Colombian ports of Cartagena and Baranquilla (where the FARC is based.)

– Colombia’s crackerjack newspaper El Espectator also reported that many Norinco-manufactured arms had already been captured from FARC guerrillas over the past ten years. This proliferation of Cuba-smuggled Chinese arms to the terrorist FARC got so bad that in 2007-08 the Colombian authorities even sent a diplomatic protest note to the Chinese. 

This awkward information at such an awkward time, needless to say, might have hampered Obama’s plan (with presumably Kelly’s concurrence) to cleanse the Castro regime from any taint of terror-sponsorship—at least for people with half-a-brain. 

But shouldn’t the commanding officer of all U.S. Military operations in the Southern Hemisphere have been aware of this Cuban terror-sponsorship in his bailiwick? 

Two years earlier (with John Kelly already serving as commander of South-Com) Panamanian authorities discovered unregistered Russian missile parts and actual MIG jets hidden in a North Korean ship that had just left terror-sponsoring Cuba and was bound for terror-sponsoring North Korea through the Panama Canal. All the Russian made contraband was hidden under sacks of Cuban sugar. An investigation by a U.N. panel (no less!) concluded that the Cuban smuggling was a blatant violation of international sanctions. 

Shouldn’t the South-Com commander been aware of this illegal, blatant and repeated smuggling of arms from one terror-sponsor to another in our own backyard? 

But AH! Looking the other way was very convenient for de-classifying the blatantly guilty party from the list of terror-sponsors–a condition Castro demanded before he would deign to allow Obama to legitimize and enrich his regime. The Castros, you see, knew full well how Obama desperately craved this “opening” to Cuba for his “legacy.” 

President Trump quickly rescinded most of Obama’s “opening” to Cuba–and shortly before leaving office put Cuba back on the list of terror-sponsors.

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Publish date : 2024-10-25 17:01:00

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