Latest Data After Twitter Rebrand 2024

Latest Data After Twitter Rebrand 2024

X Usage Statistics 2024: Latest Data After Twitter Rebrand
Last Updated: September 15, 2024

That Elon Musk took the reins of Twitter in October 2022 is hardly a secret.

The acquisition process of the social media behemoth was certainly filled with hurdles.

Yet, when the deal reached fruition, Musk expressed his satisfaction through a tweet proclaiming, “The bird is freed.”

It was clear that change was on the horizon, beginning with the dismissal of Parag Agrawal and several other high-ranking executives.

Reports indicated that only top-tier and a select few middle-management roles were in jeopardy.

Jumping forward to July 2023, Musk revealed that the channel would undergo a name change.

Thus, Twitter officially transitioned to “X.”

Coincidentally, that was also when the Threads app was launched, which was among various modifications aimed at enhancing the platform.

Musk has articulated his vision of creating a “town square” for everyone to gather and converse.

The pressing question remains: can he transform X into the social media platform of tomorrow, or has he bitten off more than he can chew this time?

Now, let’s delve into the X usage statistics and unravel the potential future of X.

Key X Statistics

There are over 1.3 billion X accounts worldwide
Daily active accounts that are monetized total just 237.8 million
More X users reside in the US than anywhere else globally
In 2022, Twitter generated an annual revenue of $4.4 billion
The typical X user falls within the age bracket of 25-34
56.4% of X users are identified as male
Ranked 14th, X is among the most popular social media platforms
30% of consumers express a desire to see more brands active on X
After encountering a product on X, 40% of users are likely to make a purchase
Users spend 26% more time engaging with ads on Twitter
In 2020, Twitter incurred significant losses
A survey found that 72% of X users believe it excels for live events
US traffic accounts for 25.47% of X’s total
In 2022, an astounding 6,000 tweets were generated every second
Users are utilizing abbreviations on X less frequently than before
There is a cap of 1,000 messages that each X account can send daily
X has introduced a program for sharing ad revenue

Top X Usage Statistics in 2024
1. Globally, There Are Over 1.3 Billion X Accounts

Undoubtedly, X has become a widely used social media application.

While concerns surrounding the acquisition persist, the user count remains relatively stable.

As per recent research, around 1.3 billion Twitter/X accounts exist globally.

Nonetheless, it is important to distinguish between accounts and active users.

Statista reports that in 2019, there were 312.7 million active users.

In 2020, this figure rose to 347.6 million, peaking at 368.4 million in 2022.

However, in 2023, which marks the first year of the takeover, the number fell to 353.9 million.

Projections indicate it will decline further to 335.7 million in 2024.

This reflects a 5% reduction in just two years since Musk’s acquisition.


2. Just 237.8 Million Daily Active Accounts Are Monetized

This statistic illustrates how challenging it can be to find reliable information.

According to Statista, approximately 350 million users are on X.

In contrast, Demand Sage reports 528.3 million monthly active users with monetized accounts.

This figure surpasses the total number of users.

Moreover, Demand Sage indicates that there are 237.8 million daily active users, representing a substantial segment of the global user base.

Of these, it is estimated that 41.5 million monetized accounts are located in the US.

Notably, Elon Musk commands 156.8 million followers on X, making him the platform’s most followed user.

(Demand Sage)

3. The US Has More X Users Than Anywhere Else In The World

It comes as no surprise that the highest number of X users are found in the US.

The country is known for its high level of digitalization and its residents’ keen interest in technological advancements.

As per the latest figures from 2023, there are more than 76 million X users in the US.

Japan follows in second place with an impressive 60 million X users.

Interestingly, the 76 million users in the US represent nearly a quarter of its total population.

Conversely, Japan’s users account for half of their population.

India ranks third with 23.6 million X users.

Given India’s population of 1.4 billion, there is significant potential for growth in this user base.

Other notable countries include Brazil, home to over 19 million X users.

Yet, the biggest surprise comes from China.

There, the government has prohibited X’s use.

Nonetheless, many Chinese citizens are adept at using VPNs, resulting in a notable number of Twitter accounts.

The challenge lies in the fact that since Twitter is banned by the government, providing accurate user statistics is impossible.

Other countries appearing in the top ten list include the UK with 23.1 million users, Turkey with 18.6 million, and Mexico with 17.2 million.

(World Population Review)

4. In 2022 Twitter Had An Annual Revenue OF $4.4 Billion

The most recent data indicates that Twitter generated $4.4 billion in revenue during 2022.

This is a considerable amount, although the new ownership is aiming to augment this figure.

Despite its size, the annual revenue is relatively modest compared to the acquisition cost of the business.

This has led many to believe that Musk overpaid for Twitter.

X’s popularity is crucial, as 90% of its revenue is derived from advertising.

A significant drop in user numbers could likely result in a decrease in revenue as advertisers turn to alternative platforms.

The 2022 revenue represents a decline from 2021, yet it remains above the figures from 2020.

Back in 2012, Twitter’s revenue was a mere $0.3 billion.

It surpassed the billion-dollar mark in 2014, achieving $1.4 billion in revenue.

By 2015, it grew to $2.2 billion and reached $3 billion in 2018.

In 2019, the revenue continued to rise, reaching $3.4 billion, and then $3.7 billion.

In 2021, this was followed by an additional $5 billion, building on the $5 billion raised in 2020.

Only time will tell if the revenue figures will see an uptick in 2024, although Musk is certainly optimistic.

(Demand Sage)

5. The Average X User Falls Within The Age Range Of 25-34

Various age groups typically prefer different applications.

For instance,

Adolescents have made Snapchat the leading social platform.

This group includes individuals born from 1997 to 2006.

For millennials, who are those born between 1981 and 1996, Facebook remains the top choice.

Similarly, Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, also favors Facebook over other social media platforms.

Even the Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, find the most satisfaction using Facebook.

Nonetheless, all platforms enjoy popularity among the 18-29 age group, with 38% of them using X.

This statistic clarifies why the average age of an X user is between 25-34.

In fact, a notable 38.5% of users belong to this age range.

The second largest demographic consists of individuals aged 35-49, comprising 20.7% of X users.

Additionally, it’s noteworthy that 17.1% of users are over 50 years old, while another 17.1% fall within the 18-24 age group.

Only 6.6% of X users are aged between 13-17.

(Demand Sage)

6. 56.4% Of X Users Are Male

Recent statistics reveal a slight male predominance on X.

Specifically, 56.4% of users identify as male, while 43.6% are female.

This is intriguing, as studies indicate that men are generally more inclined to utilize social media platforms for information purposes, whereas women are more focused on building connections.

The near-equal division implies that X has successfully balanced information sharing with fostering social connectivity.

What’s particularly noteworthy is that investors in X had initial concerns about the dissemination of false information, particularly when Musk aimed to restore some questionable accounts under the guise of free speech.

(Demand Sage)

7. X Is The 14th Most Popular Social Media Platform

On average, a user spends over 30 minutes daily on X.

Although this duration may not match that of other platforms, it suffices to demonstrate X’s potential to significantly influence users and their perspectives.

In terms of global users, X ranks as the 14th most popular social media platform.

Yet, in terms of monthly active users, it occupies the 15th position among all social media outlets.

This narrative is far from complete.

When considering which social media site holds the title of most popular globally, surveys indicate Twitter ranks impressively at 7th.

This paints a positive picture for X, but there remains room for enhancement.


8. 30% Of Consumers Want To See Brands Using X More

All social media platforms aim to generate revenue for their operators.

However, it is uncommon for users to incur charges for having social media accounts.

This means that platform operators must find alternative revenue streams.

The most obvious solution lies in advertising.

Companies pay X to display their advertisements, attracting new customers and resulting in mutual benefits.

Nonetheless, consumers believe brands are underutilizing X.

Approximately 30% of consumers feel that brands could engage more on X to connect with their clientele.

If brands are uncertain about this, recent studies indicate that effective brand ads can yield an 11% boost in brand awareness.

Moreover, consumers are 70% more likely to remember a brand when they intend to make a purchase.

In essence, increased advertising on X can enhance brand visibility and drive up sales.

(Twitter Connect Playbook)

9. 40% of X Users Will Buy A Product After Seeing It On X

For further evidence that advertising on X enhances your business, consider the following.

A total of 40% of X users have acknowledged that they bought a product solely due to its advertisement on X.

Interestingly, in many instances, these products weren’t even on their radar for purchase.

This highlights the necessity for brands to engage in advertising across every available channel.

Remember, the typical age range of an X user is 25-34, making this group highly attractive for most brands.

This demographic usually possesses considerable purchasing power and is willing to spend.

(Twitter Connect Playbook)

10. Users Spend 26% More Time Viewing Ads On Twitter

Simply having an advert on a social media platform, regardless of its quality, is not sufficient.

Transforming an initial view into a sale necessitates convincing the viewer that your product addresses a problem they may not have realized existed.

This involves both sharing an effective advert and keeping your audience engaged for as long as possible.

According to recent studies, users

On X, viewers typically spend 26% more time engaging with an advertisement compared to any other social media platforms.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize that initiating a campaign with three or more ad formats proves to be the more effective strategy.

The Twitter Connect Playbook indicates that awareness of the campaign rises by 20%, and consumers show a 7% increased likelihood to purchase when three distinct ad formats are utilized on X.

(Demand Sage)

11. Twitter Recorded Significant Losses in 2020

Experiencing losses is common for startups.

Interestingly, it may take several years before a profit is realized.

For instance, Twitter faced a loss of $67.32 million in 2010.

This loss grew to $164.12 million the following year.

Despite an unusually low loss of $79.4 million in 2012, 2013 brought a much greater loss of $645.32 million.

Since then, the losses have consistently decreased.

By 2017, the loss was only $108.06 million, and in 2018, Twitter achieved its first profit.

An impressive $1.205 million.

The year 2019 was even more successful, with a profit of $1.465 million.

However, with the onset of the pandemic, 2020 saw a loss of $1.135 million.

Fortunately, Twitter recovered prior to the sale, reporting a loss of $221 million in 2021.

The pressing question remains: how long will it take for Musk to steer X back to profitability?

(Business of Apps)

12. 72% Of X Users Believing It’s Optimal for Live Events

The latest survey from the Twitter Connect Playbook reveals that a remarkable 72% of X users feel that X serves as the premier venue for obtaining live event information.

This significant proportion of users believes that X delivers the most timely updates and discussions.

It’s important to note that this figure may be somewhat skewed due to the survey population consisting of X users.

It would be fascinating to explore how individuals who do not use Twitter perceive the platform.

Additionally, 70% of X users utilize the site specifically to stay informed about particular events.

Brands should also take this survey into account, as 67% of participants expressed that brands associating with live events on the platform are more likely to be perceived as culturally relevant and responsible.

This aspect is significant to consumers.

(Twitter Connect Playbook)

13. 25.47% Of X Traffic Originates from the US

We have already established that X’s largest audience resides in the US.

The 74 million daily users in the US account for 25.47% of all X traffic.

Interestingly, 97% of tweets from US users are generated by merely 25% of them.

In summary, certain users are considerably more active on Twitter than their peers.

Regardless, when marketing your brand on X, it’s essential to acknowledge that a substantial portion of traffic is US-based, and your marketing strategies should reflect this.

14. In 2022, 6,000 Tweets Were Posted Every Second

Currently, there are no statistics available regarding tweet activity for 2023.

This means we cannot yet determine if the numbers have improved or declined since Musk’s takeover.

In 2022, there was an average of 6,000 tweets posted every second.

This equates to 360,000 tweets per minute, translating to over 200 billion tweets annually!

A tweet, or a Twitter post, initially had a limit of 140 characters.

In 2017, this limit was expanded to 280 characters; however, only 1% of tweets reached this maximum.

In fact, 88% of tweets remain under the original 140 characters.

Interestingly, increasing the tweet length actually led to a decrease in the average character count, dropping from 34 to 33!


15. X Users Are Using Abbreviations Less Than Before

In social media and SMS communications, abbreviations have gained widespread usage.

Using them allows for quicker messaging and helps to adhere to character limits.

Nevertheless, contemporary mobile devices typically provide suggestions for the


Finding the right word for you.

This appears to encourage individuals to prefer using complete words over abbreviations.

As of 2022, there has been a decline in the use of the most common abbreviations.

For instance, the usage of ‘gr8’ has dropped by 36%.

In the same vein, ‘b4’ sees a 13% decrease in usage, while the term ‘before’ has risen a remarkable 70%.

The term sorry is also experiencing a resurgence.

The full word has increased in usage by 31%, whereas the abbreviation ‘sry’ has seen a 5% decline.

It’s encouraging to note that ‘please’ usage has risen by 54%, and ‘thank you’ has gone up by 22%.

The survey doesn’t clarify the reasons behind the rising trend of full words, but it certainly aids in enhancing mutual understanding.


16. Each X Account Is Restricted To 1,000 Messages Per Day

Twitter was created to facilitate straightforward communication among users.

To prevent system overload and maintain effective communication, it’s necessary to regulate the length and volume of tweets and messages.

In addition to the 280-character limit on tweets, several other restrictions exist.

The most significant is that each Twitter account can only send a maximum of 2,400 tweets daily.

This limit is further divided into hourly quotas to avoid straining the system.

A retweet counts as one of your tweets.

Moreover, accounts are limited to sending only 1,000 messages, commonly known as DMs, each day.

It is important to mention that X limits the number of accounts a user can follow to 400 daily.

While it’s feasible to expand your following beyond this number, it requires time since you can only follow a total of 5,000 accounts.

After reaching that limit, particular following/followed ratios are imposed.

This measure ensures that all X users are authentically engaged.


17. X Now Provides An Ad Revenue Sharing Program

Changes at X are not unexpected.

There has been considerable discussion about Elon Musk’s ambition to develop a super platform, enabling users to access a wide range of services and products seamlessly.

One initiative towards this goal is to expand the number of creators on the platform.

This includes those who produce original content and promote their brands.

X is approaching this in a manner similar to other social media platforms, by introducing an ad revenue sharing program.

Essentially, upon reaching a specific follower count, you will earn a share of the revenue from any advertisements shown to your followers.

It’s a straightforward concept that, as stated by the chairperson of X, is already yielding positive results.

Since July 2023, the number of creators on the platform has increased tenfold.

(Social Media Today)

In Summary

The statistics regarding X usage reveal a challenging period for the platform.

Numerous encouraging indicators suggest that it could potentially be revitalized and even compete with Facebook for the title of the most popular social media site globally.

Nevertheless, it is currently grappling with significant challenges, exacerbated by the inflated acquisition cost, difficulties in verifying the authentic X statistics, and the persistent controversies surrounding Elon Musk.

This is a social media platform worth monitoring to determine if it has a promising future ahead.


We appreciate your reading of this article titled: X Usage Statistics 2024: Latest Data After Twitter Rebrand

The data is sourced from 2023 and 2024, along with projected statistics extending to 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we have included forecasts for 2027 and 2028.


* This information was taken from various sources around the world, including these countries:

Australia, Canada, USA, UK, UAE, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, US, United Kingdom, United States of America, Malaysia, U.S., South Africa, New Zealand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan.

Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi.

Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling Islands), Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Croatia (Hrvatska), Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic.

Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Metropolitan, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories.

Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard and McDonald Islands, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy.

Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg.

Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar.

Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand (NZ), Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway.

Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe.

Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Helena, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria.

Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), UK (United Kingdom), USA (United States of America, U.S.), US Minor Outlying Islands.

Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State (Holy See), Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (US), Wallis and Futuna Islands, Western Sahara, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Article Title: X Usage Statistics 2024: Latest Data After Twitter Rebrand
Last Revised: September 15, 2024

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Publish date : 2024-09-21 07:04:00

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